Why is my conversion to Islam
by ZULKARNAIN (Crayn Hendrik Eddy)
Verkuyl Doctor, Doctor Kraemer, Rifai Burhanuddin forget,
Similarly with Grunnen Father, that there are seven
absolute reality possessed by Islam, which can not be
denied by anybody. He can not be denied by
history, he also can not be disproved by science,
he was not affected by the situation and conditions, the climate
and time. They, the priests and pastors forget,
as well as Orientalist scholars west that:
by ZULKARNAIN (Crayn Hendrik Eddy)
Verkuyl Doctor, Doctor Kraemer, Rifai Burhanuddin forget,
Similarly with Grunnen Father, that there are seven
absolute reality possessed by Islam, which can not be
denied by anybody. He can not be denied by
history, he also can not be disproved by science,
he was not affected by the situation and conditions, the climate
and time. They, the priests and pastors forget,
as well as Orientalist scholars west that:
1. Quran with a fixed language of all time and
same everywhere have been able to create a climate of Islamic
absolute equitable. He'll understand in America, so
also in the UK. When he read in Japan, so he also
understood by the people of India and Pakistan, and if he
read in the Netherlands, Egypt, Libya, Indonesia will
understand, at least recognize that that is the verses
Qur'an. Quran never changed their language and this
Just had to hold on, that the contents authentik
original. Unlike the Gospel that has gone through so much
translation, so that the authenticity of the words may have been
deviate from the original intent. He copied from the Hebrew
Gerika language, then into Latin, from Latin by
Marthen Luther in the year 1521 are copied to the German language.
Also copied from the German into English, Dutch,
Indonesian, Javanese, Minang, East and so on. With a copy, then
on political considerations (?) sipenyalin translate
also according to "circumstances" local. We see
for example, if the gospel in Dutch and English
requirements to heaven is bidden en Door fasten or by
praying and fasting, then the Gospel in Indonesian
They recruit only with prayer, while fasting or
fast fasten or eliminated.
2. The Qur'an does not conflict with science.
Read Theorie La Place & Chamberlin, read Theorie
events of the earth, then Chamberlin says: That the earth's
This is happening from clumps of fog
rolling more and more dense, so
incandescent, and then die pijarnya, then grows
life. Then we try to open the letter of the Qur'an
Theorie tertulislah there was: "And remember when I
This created the earth from an expanse ago
rolling. "Qur'an 14 letter Noah wrote about
the levels of human events, letters Al
Theorie contains 97 An'am Astronomy. In letters
Other marriages Theorie also contained plants (botany).
Quran is not similar to that rejected the Old Testament
Theorie Galileo Galilei, Islam does not like Christians who
have so much killing intellectuals like
Galileo Galilei, Johannis Heuss and so on.
3. The Qur'an is not against human nature. That is why
in Islam does not admit Calibat law or
celibacy. Humans are made of men and women are
to marry, to develop offspring. Thus teaching
Paul is saying that there are "better" man
bachelor like me and she was not married,
opposed by Islam. Is not monogamy eventually involve
Christian world in the valley of prostitution? Are not the people
Italian who finally has a monogamous wives also
dark? And is not America, Sweden etc.. finally
become depraved because maintaining monogamy? So
world finally set: Polygamy is wise.
Polygamy prevent human than adultery and prostitution.
Not surprisingly, An-Nisa verse letter and then allow 3
those for polygamy, polygamy is limited: 4.
4. Quran Udak aqal and contrary to the human mind.
That is why Islam is of reason and mind
healthy. Islamic rule can not accept the doctrine of "Three
but one, "because the three but a conflict with
ratio. Muslims did not understand
how the Pope, a man, can be served as Deputy
God (Ficarius Filii Dei). Pope represents God's affairs for
this world, grant amnesty, abolition and the clemency of the Ummah
sinful human beings with full mandaat from God.
Similarly, if we are ignorant will
Adam deed must bear the sin of Adam. And more sense
could receive more, if God is loving loving it
and finally executed by his own son to redeem
sin of Adam and the son of Adam. So why Islam does not
descendants confessions, also does not recognize the existence
"Sacrament of confession" human treats and
teaching people to be responsible for it.
5. Islam does not conflict with the history. Islampun with
history does not deceive itself. White black history
Islam, he admitted honestly. He, for example through
bitter tragedy such as "Night of St.. Bartholomew" he must have
admitted, and ummatnya know. Islam is always appropriate
d.an situation condition, he was not fit,
but the self (the meaning) that must adjust
6. That is why the Muslims persisted. He always
forward step with the progress of the times. Fourteen centuries
Islam has long remained in a union and syareat
nature. One thousand four hundred years of its laws,
laws, and the qibla of prayer, fasting and Hajj
keep walking. He did not collapse after science
more advanced, he also does not deal with the resurrection colaps
humanism and socialism. As for, or if said
backward, actually is the Ummah means the people are
that person or group. Why ummatnya back? For
He had left Qur'annya. He is different from teaching
or the Catholic church law who was always changing allowed --
and now can not be longer married. Whereas about
marriage is about God's decision. It is God's decision
always changing and can be resisted by human beings?
7. Quran not be denied] agi, is a handle on life
and die, the world and the hereafter. Quran proved to be a
idiil and spiritual foundation, the foundation of life in the world and
in the afterlife. Qur'an, not only includes all cases hereafter,
but also things of the world. That's why when we read
Al-Quran we will find a variety of law, whether it
criminal law, civil, or the law between men and
community. Similarly, he includes with the law
The full legal propriety of marriage and war.
by: ZULKARNAIN (Crayn Hendrik Eddy)
Publisher: C.V. "RAMADHANI" - Semarang
Broadcast: "AB. Sitti SYAMSIYAH" - Sala
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