Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

The miracle of al-Quran makes an American scientist moved to the religion of Islam

When God heard lafad, vibration in the sound turned into an optical electric wave can be captured by the monitor. This miracle makes a famous American scientist chose to Islam.

Reported that a team of American scientists found that some of the equatorial plants out on the sound frequency. And that can only be captured by a sophisticated device.

These scientists for three years doing research and seeing this phenomenon makes them extremely surprised. They found that the vibration in the voice can be converted into an electrical wave optics and more than a hundred times repeated persekon.

The team is then to prove their discovery in the presence of a British research team. Coincidence that the team is a Muslim. He is of Indian descent.

After a test for five days, the British scientist also became fascinated by what they see. However, these Muslim scholars say that it was believed by the Muslims since 1400 years ago. Those who heard it asked him to further explain the problem he called. He then read the verse that reads: "And there was nothing but glorify Him with praise, but you all do not understand their prayer beads. Verily He is Oft-Forgiving, Clement "(Isra ': 44).

Prof. William Brown, head of the research team was finally invited the Islamic scholar to talk more about Islam. Having explained about Islam and was rewarded with an all-Quran with commentary in English, he then said the shahada. [Infosyiah]

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Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010


Why is my conversion to Islam
by ZULKARNAIN (Crayn Hendrik Eddy)


Verkuyl Doctor, Doctor Kraemer, Rifai Burhanuddin forget,
Similarly with Grunnen Father, that there are seven
absolute reality possessed by Islam, which can not be
denied by anybody. He can not be denied by
history, he also can not be disproved by science,
he was not affected by the situation and conditions, the climate
and time. They, the priests and pastors forget,
as well as Orientalist scholars west that:

1. Quran with a fixed language of all time and

same everywhere have been able to create a climate of Islamic
absolute equitable. He'll understand in America, so
also in the UK. When he read in Japan, so he also
understood by the people of India and Pakistan, and if he
read in the Netherlands, Egypt, Libya, Indonesia will
understand, at least recognize that that is the verses
Qur'an. Quran never changed their language and this
Just had to hold on, that the contents authentik
original. Unlike the Gospel that has gone through so much
translation, so that the authenticity of the words may have been
deviate from the original intent. He copied from the Hebrew
Gerika language, then into Latin, from Latin by
Marthen Luther in the year 1521 are copied to the German language.
Also copied from the German into English, Dutch,
Indonesian, Javanese, Minang, East and so on. With a copy, then
on political considerations (?) sipenyalin translate
also according to "circumstances" local. We see
for example, if the gospel in Dutch and English
requirements to heaven is bidden en Door fasten or by
praying and fasting, then the Gospel in Indonesian
They recruit only with prayer, while fasting or
fast fasten or eliminated.

2. The Qur'an does not conflict with science.
Read Theorie La Place & Chamberlin, read Theorie
events of the earth, then Chamberlin says: That the earth's
This is happening from clumps of fog
rolling more and more dense, so
incandescent, and then die pijarnya, then grows
life. Then we try to open the letter of the Qur'an
Theorie tertulislah there was: "And remember when I
This created the earth from an expanse ago
rolling. "Qur'an 14 letter Noah wrote about
the levels of human events, letters Al
Theorie contains 97 An'am Astronomy. In letters
Other marriages Theorie also contained plants (botany).
Quran is not similar to that rejected the Old Testament
Theorie Galileo Galilei, Islam does not like Christians who
have so much killing intellectuals like
Galileo Galilei, Johannis Heuss and so on.

3. The Qur'an is not against human nature. That is why
in Islam does not admit Calibat law or
celibacy. Humans are made of men and women are
to marry, to develop offspring. Thus teaching
Paul is saying that there are "better" man
bachelor like me and she was not married,
opposed by Islam. Is not monogamy eventually involve
Christian world in the valley of prostitution? Are not the people
Italian who finally has a monogamous wives also
dark? And is not America, Sweden etc.. finally
become depraved because maintaining monogamy? So
world finally set: Polygamy is wise.
Polygamy prevent human than adultery and prostitution.
Not surprisingly, An-Nisa verse letter and then allow 3
those for polygamy, polygamy is limited: 4.

4. Quran Udak aqal and contrary to the human mind.
That is why Islam is of reason and mind
healthy. Islamic rule can not accept the doctrine of "Three
but one, "because the three but a conflict with
ratio. Muslims did not understand
how the Pope, a man, can be served as Deputy
God (Ficarius Filii Dei). Pope represents God's affairs for
this world, grant amnesty, abolition and the clemency of the Ummah
sinful human beings with full mandaat from God.
Similarly, if we are ignorant will
Adam deed must bear the sin of Adam. And more sense
could receive more, if God is loving loving it
and finally executed by his own son to redeem
sin of Adam and the son of Adam. So why Islam does not
descendants confessions, also does not recognize the existence
"Sacrament of confession" human treats and
teaching people to be responsible for it.

5. Islam does not conflict with the history. Islampun with
history does not deceive itself. White black history
Islam, he admitted honestly. He, for example through
bitter tragedy such as "Night of St.. Bartholomew" he must have
admitted, and ummatnya know. Islam is always appropriate
d.an situation condition, he was not fit,
but the self (the meaning) that must adjust

6. That is why the Muslims persisted. He always
forward step with the progress of the times. Fourteen centuries
Islam has long remained in a union and syareat
nature. One thousand four hundred years of its laws,
laws, and the qibla of prayer, fasting and Hajj
keep walking. He did not collapse after science
more advanced, he also does not deal with the resurrection colaps
humanism and socialism. As for, or if said
backward, actually is the Ummah means the people are
that person or group. Why ummatnya back? For
He had left Qur'annya. He is different from teaching
or the Catholic church law who was always changing allowed --
and now can not be longer married. Whereas about
marriage is about God's decision. It is God's decision
always changing and can be resisted by human beings?

7. Quran not be denied] agi, is a handle on life
and die, the world and the hereafter. Quran proved to be a
idiil and spiritual foundation, the foundation of life in the world and
in the afterlife. Qur'an, not only includes all cases hereafter,
but also things of the world. That's why when we read
Al-Quran we will find a variety of law, whether it
criminal law, civil, or the law between men and
community. Similarly, he includes with the law
The full legal propriety of marriage and war.


by: ZULKARNAIN (Crayn Hendrik Eddy)

Publisher: C.V. "RAMADHANI" - Semarang
Broadcast: "AB. Sitti SYAMSIYAH" - Sala

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010



NUH as
Several centuries after the Prophet Idris a.s. died, people began to forget the Armenian religious teachings of the Prophet Idris was taken as They returned to worship idols because evil persuasion. Seeing his people of disbelief, Allah Most High. sent a prophet named Noah to bring them back to the right path. Noah still descendants of the Prophet Adam a.s. and the Prophet Idris a.s. He received prophetic at the age of 480 years and preach during the 5th century. But because of his people so stubborn, he just got a few followers. Realizing how hard the head of his people, as Noah requested that Allah Most High. impose upon them. Allah Most High. Noah granted a.s. and ordered him to make a boat with their followers. After the boat is finished, go down the punishment of Allah swt. a flood that drowned all the people of Noah who reneged. The story of Noah a.s. is in the Qur'an, among others, in the chapters describing the mission of Noah and Noah's prayer as
Noah decades a.s. preaching, but his people did not want to follow his teachings and continue to worship idols. In fact they were often persecuted Noah and his followers. For that Noah asked Allah Ta'ala. in order to reduce the punishment for them. Allah Most High. Noah granted. To have people who believe in Noah avoid such punishment, Allah Most High. ordered Noah to make a boat. Together with his followers, Noah collecting nails and a large wooden cutting of trees that he planted over 40 years. Through his revelation, Allah Most High. guided Noah makes a boat strong enough to deal with hurricanes and flooding attacks. The boat is Noah's first sea transport in the world.
People of Noah is the first pagan. In the Qur'an sura 23 verses of Noah, mentioned some of the idols they worship, is Wadd, Suwa, Yaghut, Ya'uq, and Nasr. Noah warned his people act. But they covered my ears, even against the teachings of Noah. For five centuries preaching, Noah only had 70-80 followers, it also comes from the weak.
Noah a.s. is the ninth offspring of the Prophet Adam and the third from the Prophet Idris a.s. His father named Lamik bin Idris bin Metusyalih. Noah a.s. lived for 950 years. He has a wife named Wafilah and four sons, namely Syria, Khan, Yafits, and Kan'an.
Ulul Azmi
Noah a.s. including one of the apostles in the group Ulul azmi (people who have a strong will and determination), for his patience in the face of his people. He was preaching during the 5th century. He faced his people with the patience and wisdom. Day and night, he kept trying to take them back to worship Allah.
From the fourth son of Noah as, only three people who survived the flood, because obedient and follow the teachings brought by his father. As for a longer, ie Kan'an, drowned due to Allah swt. that. Noah was sad because his son did not want to follow his teachings. But he realized that his son was among those who received punishment infidels from Allah.
When the water higher, Noah's ark a.s. began to move and the rest of the ship to pray:
"... In the name of Allah at the time sailing and berlabuhnya. Verily my Lord is Oft really forgiving, Most Merciful" (Q.11: 41).
Penalty FLOOD
After the boat made a perfect Noah, come down the command of Allah. so Noah with his followers to go up to the boat with each pair of animals. With the permission of Allah., Water poured from the sky and radiating from the earth. Large floods also hit the towns, villages, land and hilltops. The Noah who was swallowed by the flood refuse. After the great flood, the sky gradually brightened and the earth sucked floodwaters. Noah's boat finally docked at Mount Judie around Mausul River, Iraq.
After the great flood, Noah a.s. and his followers out of the ship. They were saying grace to Allah. who had saved them from the punishment of the flood. Not long after that, the Noah to build settlements in the new place. They then multiply, so that more and more followers of Noah. Descendants of those who go abroad and then there left that place and find a new place. That said, they moved to what is now mainland Europe and Africa.


Kelahiran Nabi Musa

Nabi Musa diutuskan oleh Allah bagi memimpin Kaum Israel ke jalan benar. Beliau merupakan anak kepada Imran dan Yukabad binti Qahat, (Musa bin Imran bin Kohath bin Lewi bin Yakqub bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim), bersaudara (adik-beradik mengikut sesetengah periwayatan) dengan Nabi Harun, dilahirkan di Mesir pada pemerintahan Firaun.

Firaun Dengan Mimpi

Waktu kelahirannya cukup cemas kerana Firaun menguatkuasakan undang-undang supaya setiap bayi lelaki yang dilahirkan terus dibunuh. Tindakan itu diambil kerana dia sudah terpengaruh dengan ahli nujum yang menafsirkan mimpinya. Firaun bermimpi Mesir terbakar dan penduduknya mati, melainkan kalangan Kaum Israel, sedangkan ahli nujum mengatakan kuasa negara itu akan jatuh ke tangan lelaki Kaum Israel. Disebabkan khuatir, dia memerintahkan setiap rumah digeledah dan jika mendapati bayi lelaki perlu dibunuh.

Ibu Nabi Musa, Yukabad melahirkan seorang bayi lelaki (Musa) dan kelahiran itu dirahsiakan. Kerana merasa bimbang dengan keselamatan Musa, apabila musa mencecah umur tiga bulan Musa dihanyutkan ke Sungai Nil. Musa yang terapung di sungai itu ditemui isteri Firaun , Asiah sendiri ketika sedang mandi dan tanpa berlengah dibawanya ke istana. Melihat isterinya membawa seorang bayi, Firaun dengan tidak teragak-agak menghunuskan pedang untuk membunuh Musa. Asiah berkata: “Janganlah dibunuh anak ini kerana aku menyayanginya. Baik kita menjadikannya seperti anak sendiri kerana aku tidak mempunyai anak.” Dengan kata-kata dari Asiah tersebut, Firaun tidak sampai hati untuk membunuh Musa.

Nabi Musa Bertemu ibunya

Kemudian Asiah mendapatkan pengasuh tetapi tidak seorang pun yang dapat mendodoikan Musa dengan baik, malah dia asyik menangis dan tidak mahu disusui. Selepas itu, ibunya sendiri tampil untuk mengasuh dan membesarkannya di istana Firaun.Al-Quran menghuraikan peristiwa itu: “Maka Kami kembalikan Musa kepada ibunya supaya senang hatinya dan tidak berdukacita dan supaya dia mengetahui janji Allah itu benar, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahuinya.”

Pada satu hari, Firaun mendukung Musa yang masih kanak-kanak, tetapi dengan tiba-tiba janggutnya ditarik hingga dia kesakitan, lalu berkata: “Wahai isteriku, mungkin kanak-kanak ini yang akan menjatuhkan kekuasaanku.” Isterinya berkata: “Sabarlah, dia masih kanak-kanak, belum berakal dan mengetahui apa pun.” Sejak berusia tiga bulan hingga dewasa Musa tinggal di istana itu sehingga orang memanggilnya Musa bin Firaun. Nama Musa sendiri diberi keluarga Firaun. “Mu” bermakna air dan “sa” bermaksud pokok sempena tempat penemuannya di tepi Sungai Nil oleh Asiah.

Mukjizat Nabi Musa hadapi Firaun

Kisah pertembungan di antara mukjizat Nabi Musa dengan sihir dari tukang sihir firaun dikata bermula disebab satu peristiwa di mana pada satu ketika semasa Musa mengambil meninjau di sekitar kota dan kemudian beliau terserempak dua lelaki sedang berkelahi, masing-masing di kalangan Bani Israel bernama Samiri dan bangsa Firaun, Fatun. Melihatkan pergaduhan itu Musa mahu mententeramkan mereka, tetapi ditepis Fatun. Tanpa berlengah Musa terus menghayunkan satu penumbuk ke atas Fatun, lalu tersungkur dan meninggal dunia.

Apabila mendapati lelaki itu meninggal dunia kerana tindakannya, Musa memohon ampun kepada Allah seperti dinyatakan dalam al-Quran: “Musa berdoa: Wahai Tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku telah menganiayai diriku sendiri kerana itu ampunilah aku. Maka Allah mengampuninya, sesungguhnya Dialah yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.”

Tetapi, tidak lama kemudian orang ramai mengetahui kematian Fatun disebabkan Musa dan berita itu turut disampaikan kepada pemimpin kanan Firaun. Akhirnya mereka mahu menangkap Musa. Disebabkan terdesak, Musa mengambil keputusan keluar dari Mesir. Beliau berjalan tanpa arah dan tujuan, tetapi selepas lapan hari, beliau sampai di kota Madyan, iaitu kota Nabi Syu’aib di timur Semenanjung Sinai dan Teluk Aqabah di selatan Palestin.

Musa tinggal di rumah Nabi Syu’aib(Jethro) beberapa lama sehingga berkahwin dengan anak gadisnya bernama Shafura(Zipporah). Selepas menjalani kehidupan suami isteri di Madyan, Musa meminta izin Syu’aib untuk pulang ke Mesir.Dalam perjalanan itu, akhirnya beliau dan isterinya tiba di Bukit Sina. Dari jauh, beliau ternampak api, lalu terfikir mahu mendapatkannya untuk dijadikan penyuluh jalan. Beliau meninggalkan isterinya sebentar untuk mendapatkan api itu. Apabila sampai di tempat api menyala itu, beliau mendapati api menyala pada sebatang pokok, tetapi tidak membakar pokok berkenaan. Ini menghairankannya dan ketika itu beliau terdengar suara wahyu daripada Tuhan.

Selepas itu Allah berfirman kepadanya, bermaksud: “....Wahai Musa sesungguhnya Aku Allah, iaitu Tuhan semesta alam.”

Firman-Nya lagi, bermaksud: “Dan lemparkan tongkatmu, apabila tongkat itu menjadi ular Musa melihatnya bergerak seperti seekor ular, dia berundur tanpa menoleh. Wahai Musa datanglah kepada-Ku, janganlah kamu takut, sungguh kamu termasuk orang yang aman.”

Selepas itu Allah berfirman lagi kepada Musa, maksudnya: “Masukkan tanganmu ke leher bajumu, pasti keluar putih bersinar dan dakapkan kedua tanganmu ke dada kerana ketakutan....”

Tongkat menjadi ular dan tangan putih berseri-seri itu adalah dua mukjizat yang dikurniakan Allah kepada Musa, ketika beliau dalam perjalanan pulang dari Madyan ke Mesir, bagi menghadapi Firaun dan pengikutnya yang fasik. Firaun cukup marah mengetahui kepulangan Musa yang mahu membawa ajaran lain daripada yang diamalkan selama ini sehingga memanggil semua ahli sihir untuk mengalahkan dua mukjizat berkenaan. Ahli sihir Firaun masing-masing mengeluarkan keajaiban, ada antara mereka melempar tali terus menjadi ular. Namun, semua ular yang dibawa ahli sihir itu ditelan ular besar yang berasal daripada tongkat Musa.

Firman Allah bermaksud: “Dan lemparkanlah apa yang ada di tangan kananmu, pasti ia akan menelan apa yang mereka buat. Sesungguhnya apa yang mereka buat itu hanya tipu daya tukang sihir dan tidak akan menang tukang sihir itu dari mana saja ia datang.”

Semua keajaiban ahli sihir itu ditewaskan Musa menggunakan dua mukjizat berkenaan, menyebabkan sebahagian daripada kalangan pengikut Firaun, termasuk isterinya mengikuti ajaran yang dibawa Musa. Melihatkan ahli sihir dan sebahagian pengikutnya beriman dengan ajaran Nabi Musa, Firaun marah, lalu menghukum golongan berkenaan. Manakala isterinya sendiri diseksa hingga meninggal dunia.

Nabi Musa bersama orang beriman terpaksa melarikan diri sehingga mereka sampai di Laut Merah. Namun, Firaun dan tenteranya yang sudah mengamuk mengejar mereka dari belakang, tetapi semua mereka mati ditenggelamkan laut.

Al-Quran menceritakan: “Dan ingatlah ketika Kami belah laut untukmu, lalu Kami selamatkan kamu dan Kami tenggelamkan Firaun dan pengikutnya sedang kamu sendiri menyaksikan.”

Nabi Musa bermunajat di Bukit Sina

SELEPAS keluar dari Mesir, Nabi Musa bersama sebahagian pengikutnya dari kalangan Bani Israel menuju ke Bukit Sina untuk mendapatkan kitab panduan daripada Allah. Namun, sebelum itu Musa disyaratkan berpuasa selama 30 hari pada Zulkaedah. Ketika mahu bermunajat, beliau beranggapan bau mulutnya kurang menyenangkan. Beliau menggosok gigi dan mengunyah daun kayu, lalu perbuatannya ditegur malaikat dan beliau diwajibkan berpuasa 10 hari lagi.Dengan itu puasa Musa genap 40 hari.

Sewaktu bermunajat, Musa berkata: “Ya Tuhanku, nampakkanlah zatMu kepadaku supaya aku dapat melihatMu.” Allah berfirman: “Engkau tidak akan sanggup melihatKu, tetapi cuba lihat bukit itu. Jika ia tetap berdiri tegak di tempatnya seperti sediakala, maka nescaya engkau dapat melihatku.” Musa terus memandang ke arah bukit yang dimaksudkan itu dan dengan tiba-tiba bukit itu hancur hingga masuk ke perut bumi, tanpa meninggalkan bekasnya.Musa terperanjat dan gementar seluruh tubuh lalu pengsan.


Apabila sedar, Musa terus bertasbih dan memuji Allah, sambil berkata: “Maha besarlah Engkau ya Tuhan, ampuni aku dan terimalah taubatku dan aku akan menjadi orang pertama beriman kepadaMu.” Sewaktu bermunajat, Allah menurunkan kepadanya kitab Taurat. Menurut ahli tafsir, ketika itu kitab berkenaan berbentuk kepingan batu atau kayu, namun padanya terperinci segala panduan ke jalan diredhai Allah.

Sebelum Musa pergi ke bukit itu, beliau berjanji kepada kaumnya tidak akan meninggalkan mereka lebih 30 hari. Tetapi Nabi Musa tertunda 10 hari, kerana terpaksa mencukupkan 40 hari puasa. Bani Israel kecewa dengan kelewatan Musa kembali kepada mereka. Ketiadaan Musa membuatkan mereka seolah-olah dalam kegelapan dan ada antara mereka berfikir keterlaluan dengan menyangka beliau tidak akan kembali lagi. Dalam keadaan tidak menentu itu, seorang ahli sihir dari kalangan mereka bernama Samiri mengambil kesempatan menyebarkan perbuatan syirik. Dia juga mengatakan Musa tersesat dalam mencari tuhan dan tidak akan kembali. Ketika itu juga, Samiri membuat sapi betina daripada emas. Dia memasukkan segumpal tanah, bekas dilalui tapak kaki kuda Jibril ketika mengetuai Musa dan pengikutnya menyeberangi Laut Merah. Patung itu dijadikan Samiri bersuara.(Menurut cerita, ketika Musa dengan kudanya mahu menyeberangi Laut Merah bersama kaumnya, Jibril ada di depan terlebih dulu dengan menaiki kuda betina, kemudian diikuti kuda jantan yang dinaiki Musa dan pengikutnya. Kemudian Samiri menyeru kepada orang ramai: “Wahai kawan-kawanku, rupanya Musa sudah tidak ada lagi dan tidak ada gunanya kita menyembah Tuhan Musa itu. Sekarang, mari kita sembah anak sapi yang diperbuatkan daripada emas ini. Ia dapat bersuara dan inilah tuhan kita yang patut disembah.”

Selepas itu, Musa kembali dan melihat kaumnya menyembah patung anak sapi. Beliau marah dengan tindakan Samiri.

Firman Allah: “Kemudian Musa kembali kepada kaumnya dengan marah dan bersedih hati. Berkata Musa; wahai kaumku, bukankah Tuhanmu menjanjikan kepada kamu suatu janji yang baik? Apakah sudah lama masa berlalu itu bagimu atau kamu menghendaki supaya kemurkaan Tuhanmu menimpamu, kerana itu kamu melanggar perjanjianmu dengan aku.”

Musa bertanya Samiri, seperti diceritakan dalam al-Quran: “Berkata Musa; apakah yang mendorongmu berbuat demikian Samiri? Samiri menjawab: Aku mengetahui sesuatu yang mereka tidak mengetahuinya, maka aku ambil segenggam tanah (bekas tapak Jibril) lalu aku masukkan dalam patung anak sapi itu. Demikianlah aku menuruti dorongan nafsuku.”

Kemudian Musa berkata: “Pergilah kamu dan pengikutmu daripadaku, patung anak sapi itu akan aku bakar dan lemparkannya ke laut, sesungguhnya engkau akan mendapat seksa.”Umat Nabi Musa bersifat keras kepala, hati mereka tertutup oleh kekufuran, malah gemar melakukan perkara terlarang, sehingga sanggup menyatakan keinginan melihat Allah, baru mahu beriman.

Firman Allah: “Dan ingatlah ketika kamu berkata: Wahai Musa, kami tidak akan beriman kepadamu sebelum kami melihat Allah dengan terang, kerana itu kamu disambar halilintar, sedangkan kamu menyaksikannya. Selepas itu Kami bangkitkan kamu selepas mati, supaya kamu bersyukur.”

Kezaliman Firaun

Allah memberikan banyak nikmat kepada Bani Israel, antaranya dibebaskan daripada kezaliman Firaun, menjalani kehidupan di kawasan subur, mempunyai Taurat dan rasul di kalangan mereka, tetapi mereka tidak bersyukur, malah memberikan pelbagai alasan. Mereka juga membelakangi wahyu Allah kepada Musa supaya berpindah ke Palestin. Alasan diberikan kerana mereka takut menghadapi suku Kan’an. Telatah Bani Israel yang pengecut itu menyedihkan hati Musa, lalu beliau berdoa: “Ya Tuhanku, aku tidak menguasai selain diriku dan diri saudaraku Harun, maka pisahkanlah kami dari orang fasik mengingkari nikmat dan kurniaMu.”

Hukuman Bani Israel yang menolak perintah itu ialah Allah mengharamkan mereka memasuki Palestin selama 40 tahun dan selama itu mereka berkeliaran di atas muka bumi tanpa tempat tetap.Mereka hidup dalam kebingungan sehingga semuanya musnah. Palestin kemudian dihuni oleh generasi baru.

Bani Israel juga memperlekehkan rasul mereka, yang dapat dilihat melalui kisah sapi seperti dalam surah al-Baqarah: “Dan ingatlah ketika Musa berkata kepada kaumnya, sesungguhnya Allah menyuruh kamu menyembelih sapi betina. Mereka berkata; apakah kamu hendak menjadikan kami bahan ejekan...”

Musa meninggal dunia ketika berusia 120 tahun, tetapi ada pendapat menyatakan usianya 150 tahun di Bukit Nabu’, tempat diperintahkan Allah untuk melihat tempat suci yang dijanjikan, iaitu Palestin. Tetapi beliau tidak sempat memasukinya.

Terbelahnya Laut Merah oleh Nabi Musa AS: Keajaiban atau Fenomena Alam?

Tanggal 10 Muharram adalah momen penting dalam penanggalan di dunia muslim. Kaum muslimin memperingatinya sebagai Hari Asyura. Hari yang diyakini sebagai saat dimana Allah SWT memberikan mukjizat kepada rasul-rasul pilihan-Nya. Dari sekian peristiwa penting dalam Hari Asyura yang peringati, salahsatunya adalah peristiwa ketika Nabi Musa AS dan kaum Israil meloloskan diri dari kejaran balatentara Fir’aun melalui sebuah peristiwa yang menakjubkan. Yaitu, pelarian Nabi Musa AS dan kaumnya menyebrangi Laut Merah yang terbelah, menuju Gurun Sinai dan kemudian ke menetap di The Promised Land. Peristiwa ini juga dikenal dengan nama The Exodus. Peristiwa terbelahnya Laut Merah merupakan peristiwa yang luar biasa. Hal ini merupakan mukjizat dari Nabi Musa AS yang tentu kita percayai sebagai bagian dari iman. Namun, peristiwa mukizat tersebut juga ternyata dapat dipahami dan dijelaskan dari perspekstif sains.

Asumsi yang bisa dijadikan dasar adalah bahwa segala peristiwa yang Allah SWT berikan kemuliaan (miracle) sebenarnya tidak akan pernah lepas dari proses alam yang mahakompleks sebagai bagian dari sunnatullah. Ketika itu terjadi, peristiwanya bisa dijelaskan dalam berbagai teori sains, namun momentum dan tempat terjadinya merupakan mukjizat yang Allah SWT sendiri berikan khusus bagi hamba yang dikehendaki-Nya.

Modelling of The Hidrodynamic Situation

Dengan menggunakan persamaan differential matematika, dua peneliti Rusia berupaya membuat pemodelan tentang kondisi ketika gelombang laut terpisah (Stolyarova, 2004). Nauman Volzinger dan Alexei Androsov mendasarkan pemodelan mereka dengan keterangan-keterangan di Kitab Old Testament dan Torah, termasuk keterangan bahwa pada saat itu terdapat gugusan karang yang jaraknya dekat dengan permukaan laut.

Dalam pemodelan hidrodinamik, mereka mengadakan simulasi mengenai berapa kecepatan angin dan kekuatan badai yang dibutuhkan agar gugusan karang tersebut kering. Selain itu, juga mereka mensimulasi berapa lama gugusan karang tersebut akan kering dan kapan air laut akan kembali menutupinya (Volzinger and Androsov,2002).

Hasilnya adalah jika angin timur bertiup sepanjang malam dengan kecepatan 30 meter per detik, maka gugusan karang tersebut akan kering. Dalam keadaan ini, untuk menyebrangi 7 km gugusan karang, Kaum Israil yang sebanyak 600.000 orang membutuhkan waktu sekitar 4 jam. Air laut kembali menutupi gugusan karang setelah 4,5 jam. Jadi bisa diartikan bahwa selama 4,5 jam gugusan karang masih kering.

Penelitian Volzinger dan Androsov telah dipublikasikan di the Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences tahun 2002.

Bagaimanakah kecepatan angin 30 meter per detik itu. Kecepatan 30 m per detik berarti 108 km/jam. Dalam skala Beaufort, kecepatan angin 108 km/jam sudah dapat dimasukkan dalam kategori badai yang minimal mencapai skala 10 dengan kecepatan diatas 89 km/jam dan dalam durasi 12 -1200 jam. Kecepatan 108 km/jam ternyata masih di bawah kecepatan minimal Tropical Cyclone (Hurrycane) yang mencapai 118 km/jam, atau masih lebih kecil dari kecepatan “Tornado” (177 km/jam).

Penelitian Volzinger dan Androsov (2002) mungkin dapat memprediksi karakteristik hidrodinamika yang terjadi pada saat Nabi Musa AS menyeberangi Laut Merah. Kesimpulan mereka, berdasarkan pemodelan numerik berbasis persamaan differential matematika, peristiwa luar biasa itu dimungkinkan. Namun, pertanyaan yang bisa dikemukakan kemudian adalah apakah peristiwa Laut Merah terbelah bisa terulang kembali. Volzinger dan Androsov menyatakan bahwa gugusan karang laut yang ada sekarang telah bergeser jauh dari permukaan laut. Jadi tidak lagi memungkinkan (Stolyarova, 2004).

Akan tetapi, Volzinger dan Androsov (2002) tidak menjelaskan berapa ketinggian gelombang yang terjadi akibat hembusan angin 108 km/jam. Padahal, dalam Qur’an disebutkan bahwa ketika Laut itu terpisah, terjadi dinding gelombang setinggi bukit (Asy-Syuara:65). Dan patut dicatat, mengenai lokasi gugusan karang juga perlu diverifikasi. Hingga kini, lokasi dimana Nabi Musa AS menyeberangi laut Merah juga masih dalam perdebatan para arkeolog. Pertanyaan lain yang bisa timbul adalah apakah angin 108 km/jam memungkinkan manusia untuk berlari sejauh 7 km. Dan apakah dalam beberapa dokumen sejarah, memang terjadi angin sekuat itu? Dalam kitab Eksodus Cuma hanya dikatakan pada saat itu terjadi kolom-kolom awan dan kilat. Apakah ini memiliki kemiripan dengan Tornado atau tanda-tanda badai?

Tempat terjadinya pelarian Nabi Musa AS ketika exodus dapat dipelajari dari Exodus 14:2, yakni tempat antara Pi-Hahiroth atau Migdol dan Baal-zephon. Tiga tempat ini belum diketahui secara pasti. Namun banyak yang percaya bahwa tempat itu berada disekitar Reed Sea (bukan Red Sea), sebelah utara Teluk Aqaba.

Beberapa teori yang mengatakan bahwa tempat tersebut ada di sekitar Sabhat al Bardawil (sebuah lagoon di utara Semenanjung Sinai). Di dalam peta terlihat, bahwa ada celah sempit antara pantai Mesir dan Arab Saudi, di sekitar Teluk Aqaba yang diyakini merupakan crossing place Nabi Musa AS. Hal ini diperkuat dari morfologi 3D dasar lautan disekitar Teluk Aqaba. Terdapat dataran yang relatif lebih dangkal dibandingan pada daerah yang lain yang lebih curam dan dalam. Mungkin ini yang dimaksud dalam Kitab Taurat sebagai daerah karang yang dangkal.

Fakta ini membuat Teori Nauman dan Androsov (2002) dapat dibenarkan. Selain itu di lokasi ditemukan juga fakta arkeologi berupa roda Chariot (kendaraan Perang semasa Fir’aun) oleh Ron Wyatt dan Jonathan Gray. Meskipun masih disangsikan oleh Richard Rives (Kovacs,2003). Roda tersebut sempat diukur usianya melalui radiasi karbon. Nassif Mohammed Hassan menyatakan roda tersebut berasal dari dinasti ke-18 Kerajaan Mesir Kuno, atau dengan kata lain roda ini pernah digunakan sekitar 1400 SM.

Lokasi crossing Musa AS di sekitar Teluk Aqaba juga dibenarkan oleh Colin Humpreys, seorang fisikawan dari Cambridge University dalam Bukunya The Miracle of Exodus. Humpreys juga menyakini bahwa tempat Nabi Musa AS menerima Ten Commandments masih berada di Mount Sinai yang sekarang disebut Jabal El Musa, di daerah Arab Saudi sekarang.

Volcanic Eruption Santorini dan Tsunami

Teori yang kedua adalah tsunami sebagai penyebab laut merah terbelah. Letusan vulkanik yang dahsyat pernah terjadi di daerah Santorini, sebuah pulau di Yunani Kuno, 500 mil utara Delta Sungai Nil. Letusan terjadi diperkirakan terjadi pada 1600 SM.

Dalam simulasi komputer yang dilakukan oleh Floyd Mc Coy (dimuat dalam BBC-One tahun 2002), letusan Santorini dan kolapsnya sebuah pulau dapat menjadi trigger bagi terjadinya mega-tsunami berupa gelombang setinggi 600 feet atau sekitar 200 meter, bergerak dengan kecepatan 400 mil per jam. Floyd Mc Coy, ahli tsunami mengatakan bahwa tsunami-lah yang menyebabkan kehancuran dasar laut Mediterrania. Computer modelling Mc Coy membuktikan bahwa sedimen hasil gelombang tsunami Santorini telah mampu mencapai delta Sungai Nil.

Pertanyaanya adalah dapatkah tsunami mengeringkan dasar laut? Floyd McCOy menyatakan bahwa sebuah mega tsunami dapat menyerap triyunan gallon air dari pesisir pantai berikut sungai dan danau disekitarnya. Hasilnya, daerah pesisir bisa kering selama 2 jam.

Tsunami di Mindoro Filipina 1994 juga pernah mengeringkan dasar danau. Ketika itu, di Mindoro terjadi Gempa bumi yang menciptakan retakan yang sangat besar di dasar danau sepanjang kira-kira 1 mil. Air di danau kemudian terhisap ke dalam retakan tersebut. Danau pun menjad kering, hingga seorang saksi mata dapat berjalan di atasnya. Kemudian tsunami datang dan menyapu sebuah kapal berbobot 6000 ton. Patut dicatat, Kekuatan tsunami Mindoro sangat jauh di bawah tsunami Santorini.

Pertanyaan selanjutnya, apakah benar tsunami Santorini benar-benar terjadi pada waktu Nabi Musa AS menyebrangi Laut Merah? Cameron dan Simcha Jacobovici, produser film dari Kanada mengklaim bahwa letusan Thera benar-benar terjadi persis ketika Musa AS membelah laut Reed. Mereka percaya bahwa letusan ini juga menjadi penyebab dari The 10 Plagues sebagaimana di nukilkan di Bible.

Mengenai The 10 plagues,seorang Epidemiologist, Dr. John Marr percaya bahwa letusan Thera-lah yang menjadi penyebabnya berdasarkan kasus serupa ketika St Helena meletus pada 17 Mei 1980 (BBC One, 2002). Menurutnya, debu vulkanik bisa menjadi penyebab berbiaknya jamur beracun di Sungai Nil. Daniel Stanley, seorang oceanographer, melakukan pengeboran sampel di delta Sungai Nil. Ia mendapatkan debut-debu vulkanik berkaitan dengan letusan. Mike Rampino, seorang ilmuwan dari New York University membuat simulasi komputer untuk melihat bagaimana efek dari Letusan Thera. Didapatkan bahwa telah terjadi perubahan cuaca yang signifkan, temperatur turun sekitar 2o celcius. Curah hujan berkurang. Proses ini menjadi mata rantai dari turun drastinya ekologi sungai Nil ketika itu dan tentunya bisa jadi akan menimbulkan wabah penyakit.

Selain the Plagues, dari Bible diceritakan bahwa ketika Musa AS memimpin eksodus, Tuhan mengarahkankannya dari asap di waktu siang dan api di waktu malam. Menurut beberapa ilmuwan, ini bisa diperkirakan sabagai kolom asap dan kilat dari letusan Thera.

Namun dari hasil radio karbon pengukuran letusan Thera, dipastikan letusan terjadi sekitar 1600 SM, berbeda 150 tahun dari perisitiwa Exodus Nabi Musa AS yang diperkirakan sekitar 1450 SM (Bennet, 1963). Kesimpulan ini juga didukung oleh La Moreaux (1995), dan Phillips, G (2003). Selain itu, dari kronologi peristiwa, jelas ada kerancuan antara kapan terjadinya the Plagues, Letusan Thera, dan the Exodus.


Terbelahnya lautan dalam proses kejadian Nabi Musa AS memimpin eksodus kaum Israil dari kejaran balatentara Fir’aun dapat dijelaskan melalui sains, paling tidak sebagai pendekatan untuk memahami bagaimana Allah SWT tetap menjaga mahakompleksnya alam semesta dan memberikan keistimewaan kepada hamba yang dikehendakinya. Harun Yahya mengatakan bahwa Jika Allah SWT menghendaki, keajaiban bisa saja terjadi jika kondisinya memungkinkan yang dalam kasus Nabi Musa AS, dimana kecepatan angin, waktu dan tempat mendukung proses terjadinya.

Keajaiban dalam peristiwa ini adalah kejadian laut mengering tepat terjadi ketika Nabi Musa AS dikejar-kejar Fir’aun. Ketika itu, pengikut Nabi Musa sudah yakin mereka akan dapat terkejar, kemudian Nabi Musa AS menjawab “Tidak, Allah bersama kita dan akan memberi petunjuk bagi kita (Asy-Syuara : 61-62).

Keajaiban kedua adalah proses terbelahnya laut ketika Nabi Musa AS melakukan eksodus tidak akan mungkin terulang. Manusia hanya bisa menjelaskannya dari sebuah simulasi computer, sebuah generalisasi berbasis asumsi yang masih merupakan pendekatan. Beberapa hasil penelitian metode numeric mereka sebaiknya dapat ditindak lanjuti dengan penelitian secara empirik, atau melalui eksperimentasi di laboratorium, kiranya mungkin menjadi rekomendasi untuk penelusuran lebih lanjut.

Daftar Pustaka

Al Qur’an, “As Syuara : 60-67”

BBC Religion and Ethics (2002), “Moses”, www.bbc.co.uk/religion/

Stolyarova, G (2004),”City Scientist Say Red-Sea Miracle Can be Explained”, St Petersburg Time, 20 January 2004.

Voltzinger, N. E. and A. A. Androsov (2002),”Modeling the Hydrodynamic Situation of the Exodus”, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology ( St. Petersburg Branch), Russian Academy of Sciences

LaMoreaux, PE (1995). “Worldwide environmental impacts from the eruption of Thera”. Environmental Geology 26 (3): 172-181.doi:10.1007/BF00768739.

Foster, KP, Ritner, RK, and Foster, BR (1996). “Texts, Storms, and the Thera Eruption”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 55 (1): 1-14.

EN, Davis (1990). A Storm in Egypt during the Reign of Ahmose.Thera and the Aegean World III. Thera Foundation. Retrieved on2007-03-10.

Lilley, H, The wave that destroyed Atlantis, BBC News Online,2007-04-20. Retrieved 2007-04-21.

Friedrich, WL (1999). Fire in the Sea, the Santorini Volcano: Natural History and the Legend of Atlantis. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-65290-1.

Bennett, JG (1963). “Geo-Physics and Human History: New Light on Plato’s Atlantis and the Exodus“. Systematics 1 (2). Retrieved on2007-05-22.

Phillips, G (2003). Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt : The Secret History Hidden in the Valley of the Kings. Bear & Company. ISBN 978-1591430094.

Kovacs (2003), “Pharaoh’s chariots found in Red Sea ?”,WorldNetDaily.com

Humpreys, C (2003), “Miracles of Exodus”, Cambridge University , Continuum International Publishing

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010


Syahadat merupakan asas dan dasar bagi rukun Islam lainnya. Syahadat merupakan ruh, inti dan landasan seluruh ajaran Islam.
[1] Syahadat sering disebut dengan Syahadatain karena terdiri dari 2 kalimat (Dalam bahasa arab Syahadatain berarti 2 kalimat Syahadat). Kedua kalimat syahadat itu adalah:

Kalimat pertama :

Asyhadu An-Laa Ilâha Illallâh
artinya : Saya bersaksi bahwa tiada Ilah selain Allah

Kalimat kedua :

wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rasulullâh
artinya: dan saya bersaksi bahwa Muhammad saw adalah Rasul / utusan Allah.

Makna Syahadat[2]

  • Kalimat pertama menunjukkan pengakuan tauhid. Artinya, seorang muslim hanya mempercayai Allâh sebagai satu-satunya Allah. Allah adalah Tuhan dalam arti sesuatu yang menjadi motivasi atau menjadi tujuan seseorang. Jadi dengan mengikrarkan kalimat pertama, seorang muslim memantapkan diri untuk menjadikan hanya Allâh sebagai tujuan, motivasi, dan jalan hidup.
  • Kalimat kedua menunjukkan pengakuan bahwa Nabi Muhammad adalah utusan Allâh. Dengan mengikrarkan kalimat ini seorang muslim memantapkan diri untuk meyakini ajaran Allâh seperti yang disampaikan melalui Muhammad saw, seperti misalnya meyakini hadist-hadis Muhammad saw. Termasuk di dalamnya adalah tidak mempercayai klaim kerasulan setelah Muhammad saw.


Kalau kita tinjau sebenarnya kalimat LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH mengandung dua makna, yaitu makna penolakan segala bentuk sesembahan selain Allah, dan makna menetapkan bahwa satu-satunya sesembahan yang benar hanyalah Allah semata.

Berkaitan dengan mengilmui kalimat ini Allah ta'ala berfirman: "Maka ketahuilah(ilmuilah) bahwasannya tidak ada sesembahan yang benar selain Allah" (QS Muhammad : 19)

Berdasarkan ayat ini, maka mengilmui makna syahadat tauhid adalah wajib dan mesti didahulukan daripada rukun-rukun islam yang lain. Disamping itu nabi kita pun menyatakan: "Barang siapa yang mengucapkan LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH dengan ikhlas maka akan masuk ke dalam surga" ( HR Ahmad)

Yang dimaksud dengan ikhlas di sini adalah mereka yang memahami, mengamalkan dan mendakwahkan kalimat tersebut sebelum yang lainnya, karena di dalamnya terkandung tauhid yang Allah menciptakan alam karenanya. Rasul mengajak paman beliau Abu Thalib, Ketika maut datang kepada Abu Thalib dengan ajakan "wahai pamanku ucapkanlah LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH sebuah kalimat yang aku akan jadikan ia sebagai hujah di hadapan Allah" namun Abu Thalib enggan untuk mengucapkan dan meninggal dalam keadaan musyrik.

Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wa sallam tinggal selama 13 tahun di makkah mengajak orang-orang dengan perkataan beliau "Katakan LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH" maka orang kafir pun menjawab "Beribadah kepada sesembahan yang satu, kami tidak pernah mendengar hal yang demikian dari orang tua kami". Orang qurays di Zaman nabi sangat paham makna kalimat tersebut, dan barangsiapa yang mengucapkannya tidak akan menyeru/berdoa kepada selain Allah.

Kandungan Kalimat Syahadat[4]

  • Ikrar
  • Ikrar yaitu suatu pernyataan seorang muslim mengenai apa yang diyakininya.Ketika kita mengucapkan kalimat syahadah, maka kita memiliki kewajiban untuk menegakkan dan memperjuangkan apa yang kita ikrarkan itu.
  • Sumpah
  • Syahadat juga bermakna sumpah. Seseorang yang bersumpah, berarti dia bersedia menerima akibat dan risiko apapun dalam mengamalkan sumpahnya tersebut. Artinya, Seorang muslim itu berarti siap dan bertanggung jawab dalam tegaknya Islam dan penegakan ajaran Islam.
  • Janji
  • Syahadat juga bermakna janji. Artinya, setiap muslim adalah orang-orang yang berjanji setia untuk mendengar dan taat dalam segala keadaan terhadap semua perintah Allah SWT, yang terkandung dalam Al Qur'an maupun Sunnah Rasul.

Syarat Syahadat

Syarat syahadat adalah sesuatu yang tanpa keberadaannya maka yang disyaratkannya itu tidak sempurna. Jadi jika seseorang mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat tanpa memenuhi syarat-syaratnya, bisa dikatakan syahadatnya itu tidak sah.

Syarat syahadat ada tujuh [5] , yaitu:

  • Pengetahuan
  • Seseorang yang bersyahadat harus memiliki pengetahuan tentang syahadatnya. Dia wajib memahami isi dari dua kalimat yang dia nyatakan itu, serta bersedia menerima konsekuensi ucapannya.
  • Keyakinan
  • Seseorang yang bersyahadat mesti mengetahui dengan sempurna makna dari syahadat tanpa sedikitpun keraguan terhadap makna tersebut.
  • Keikhlasan
  • Ikhlas berarti bersihnya hati dari segala sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan makna syahadat. Ucapan syahadat yang bercampur dengan riya atau kecenderungan tertentu tidak akan diterima oleh Allah SWT.
  • Kejujuran
  • Kejujuran adalah kesesuaian antara ucapan dan perbuatan. Pernyataan syahadat harus dinyatakan dengan lisan, diyakini dalam hati, lalu diaktualisasikan dalam amal perbuatan.
  • Kecintaan
  • Kecintaan berarti mencintai Allah dan Rasul-Nya serta orang-orang yang beriman. Cinta juga harus disertai dengan amarah yaitu kemarahan terhadap segala sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan syahadat, atau dengan kata lain, semua ilmu dan amal yang menyalahi sunnah Rasulullah SAW.
  • Penerimaan
  • Penerimaan berarti penerimaan hati terhadap segala sesuatu yang datang dari Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Dan hal ini harus membuahkan ketaatan dan ibadah kepada Allah SWT, dengan jalan meyakini bahwa tak ada yang dapat menunjuki dan menyelamatkannya kecuali ajaran yang datang dari syariat Islam. Artinya, bagi seorang muslim tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali Al Qur'an dan Sunnah Rasul.
  • Ketundukan
  • Ketundukan yaitu tunduk dan menyerahkan diri kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya secara lahiriyah. Artinya, seorang muslim yang bersyahadat harus mengamalkan semua perintah-Nya dan meninggalkan semua larangan-Nya. Perbedaan antara penerimaan dengan ketundukan yaitu bahwa penerimaan dilakukan dengan hati, sedangkan ketundukan dilakukan dengan fisik.Oleh karena itu, setiap muslim yang bersyahadat selalu siap melaksanakan ajaran Islam dalam kehidupannya.
  • Asas Dari Tauhid Dan Islam[6]
  • LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH adalah asas dari Tauhid dan Islam dengannya terealisasikan segala bentuk ibadah kepada Allah dengan ketundukan kepada Allah, berdoa kepadanya semata dan berhukum dengan syariat Allah.
  • Seorang ulama besar Ibnu Rajab mengatakan: Al ilaah adalah yang ditaati dan tidak dimaksiati, diagungkan dan dibesarkan dicinta, dicintai, ditakuti, dan dimintai pertolongan harapan. Itu semua tak boleh dipalingkan sedikit pun kepada selain Allah. Kalimat LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH bermanfaat bagi orang yang mengucapkannya selama tidak membatalkannya dengan aktivitas kesyirikan.

Inti Syahadat[7]

Inilah sekilas tentang makna LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH yang pada intinya adalah pengakuan bahwa tidak ada sesembahan yang benar kecuali Allah ta'ala semata.

Makna Syahadat bagi muslim

Bagi penganut agama Islam, Syahadat memiliki makna sebagai berikut[8]:

  1. pintu masuk menuju islam; syarat sahnya iman adalah dengan bersyahadatain (bersaksi dengan dua kalimat syahadah)
  2. intisari ajaran islam; pokok dari ajaran islam adalah syahadatain, sebagaimana ajaran yang dibawa Nabi-nabi dan Rosul-rosul sebelumnya
  3. pondasi iman; bangunan iman dan islam itu sesungguhnya berdiri di atas dua kalimat syahadah
  4. pembeda antara muslim dengan kafir; hal ini berkenaan dengan hak-hak dan kewajiban-kewajiban syariat[9] yang akan diterima atau ditanggung oleh seseorang setelah dia mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadah
  5. jaminan masuk surga; Allah SWT memberi jaminan surga kepada orang yang bersyahadatain

Penafsiran Yang Salah (Bathil)[10]

Perlu untuk diketahui, bahwa telah banyak penafsiran yang bathil yang beredar ditengah masyarakat muslim Indonesia secara khususnya mengenai makna LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH, dan semoga kita terhindar dari kebathilan ini, yakni:

Laa ilaaha illallah artinya: "Tidak ada sesembahan kecuali Allah." Ini adalah batil, karena maknanya: Sesungguhnya setiap yang disembah, baik yang hak maupun yang batil, itu adalah Allah.

Laa ilaaha illallah artinya: "Tidak ada pencipta selain Allah." Ini adalah sebagian dari arti kalimat tersebut. Akan tetapi bukan ini yang dimaksud, karena arti hanya mengakui tauhid rububiyah saja, dan itu belum cukup.

Laa ilaaha illallah artinya: "Tidak ada hakim (penentu hukum) selain Allah." Ini juga sebagian dari makna kalimat laa ilaaha illallah. Tapi bukan ini yang dimaksud, karena makna tersebut belum cukup.

Semua tafsiran di atas adalah batil atau kurang. Kami menghimbau dan memperingati di sini karena tafsir-tafsir itu ada dalam kitab-kitab yang banyak beredar. Sedangkan tafsir yang benar menurut syariat Islam yang shohih dan para muhaqqiq (ulama peneliti) adalah "Laa ilaaha illallah ma'buuda bihaqqin illallah" (tidak ada sesembahan yang hak selain Allah) seperti tersebut di atas.

Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Famous Turkish cleric Ask Pope To Repeal Back His comments about Islam.

Turkey's top Islamic cleric asked Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday to take back recent remarks he made about Islam, and unleashed a string of counteraccusations against Christianity, raising tensions before the pontiff's November visit his first to a Muslim country.

The Vatican hastened to defend the pope, saying that the pontiff wanted to promote respect and dialogue toward other religions, "obviously also toward Islam."

Religious Affairs Directorate head Ali Bardakoglu, a cleric who sets the religious agenda for Turkey, said he was deeply offended by remarks about Islamic holy war made Tuesday by the pope during a visit to Germany, and called the remarks "extraordinarily worrying, saddening and unfortunate."

Bardakoglu said that "if the pope was reflecting the spite, hatred and enmity" of others in the Christian world, then the situation was even worse.

Benedict and his entourage were heading back to the papal summer residence near Rome on Thursday when Bardakoglu spoke.

A few hours after Benedict's arrival back in Italy, the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, insisted that the pontiff respects Islam.

Benedict wants to "cultivate an attitude of respect and dialogue toward the other religions and cultures, obviously also toward Islam," Lombardi, who had accompanied the pope in Germany, said in a statement released by the Vatican.

"It is opportune to note that that which is at the pope's heart is a clear and radical refusal of the religious motivation of violence," Lombardi said.

"It certainly wasn't the intention of the pope to carry out a deep examination of jihad (holy war) and on Muslim thought on it, much less to offend the sensibility of Muslim believers," the Vatican spokesman said.

"Proper consideration of the religious dimension is, in fact, an essential premise for a fruitful dialogue with the great cultures and religions of the world," Lombardi said, reports AP.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Surah Al-Fatihah

Al-Fatiha (سورة الفاتحة) - Opening - surah revealed in Mecca and revealed after Al-Muddathir. This surah has 7 verses and this is the first surah revealed complete a whole paragraph to the chapter and one of the classic Makkiyyah surah.

This Surah is called Al-Fatiha (Opening) kerana he made as an opening and the beginning of the Qur'an.

This Surah is also called Umm al-Quran (ام القرآن - Mother Quran) or Umm al-Kitaab (ام الكتاب - Mother Book) kerana she is the mother or parent to all the contents of the Quran and the essence of the content of the Qur'an itself.

This Surah is called Al-part Sab'ul intending seven Matsaani repeated this verse kerana repeated for each solat.

[1] In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the All-pity.
[2] Praise be to Allah, the Lord who cares for and mentadbirkan the universe.
[3] the Merciful, the All-pity.
[4] The government of the day Mastering Revenge (day Hereafter).
[5] Thou sahaja (O Allah) Who we worship, and to Thee do we seek help sahaja.
[6] Show us the straight path.
[7] namely the way the people who you have to kurniakan their favor, not the (way) the people who wrath upon them, nor (way) the people astray.

Al-efficacy Waqiah

Word of the Prophet: "Sesiapa read surah Al-Waqia every day, he will not be overwritten pauperism."

Word of Allah s.a.w. : "Who read surah Al-Waqia every night, he will not be overwritten hardship or poverty forever. (Reported by Bayhaqi from Ibn Mas'ud ra)

Word of Allah s.a.w. : "Teach surah Al-Waqia to wife-wives. "For indeed he was the surah Wealth." (Hadith Ibn history Ady)

Word of Allah s.a.w. : "Those who read the surah Al-Waqia every night so he will not be affected by poverty and poverty forever. And surah Al-Waqia is surah wealth, then read it and teach your children all. "

According to some of Ulama fatwa 'he said: "Anyone who read the surah Al-Waqia on every day and night in a majlis of 40 times, for 40 days anyway, then God will facilitate provision with effortless and flowing on from various directions and also blessing . "

Al-Waqia is a surah which to -56 in the Al-Quran, is situated in juzuk to 27 and consists of 96 verses. Called Al-Waqia kerana taken from Al-Waqia pronunciations contained in the first paragraph of this chapter, which ertinya Resurrection. In the surah Al-Waqia explained about the Day of Resurrection, replies received by the believers and unbelievers. Also described the creation of human beings, plants, and fire, as evidence of the power of God and the Day of Resurrection.

In the surah Al-Waqia contained several benefits, including:

* When people get to read this surah every night one time, so he kept out of poverty forever.

* If the read 14 times after every solat Asar, the people who read it will gain abundant wealth.

* If in reading this chapter as much as 41 times in a majlis (once seated), God willing in exert all his business, especially in relation to the provision.

* To become a rich man Sentiasa grateful, Practice reading this chapter 3 times after solat morning and 3 times after solat Isha '. InsyaAllah not be passed during that year but he will be a wealthy person make a more generous.

* Amalan Sufi people, so delegated provision. Let fasted for a week starting on Friday. Each after solat Fardhu read Al-Waqia this 25 times until that until the next Friday night; on next Friday night that, after solat Maghrib read this chapter as much as 25 times, after solat Isha 'please read this chapter as much as 125 times followed by invocation of the Prophet up 1000 times. When finished, let him extend charity. Then once amalkanlah this surah in the morning and evening. God willing succeed.

* This Surah when read side of the body or the person being nazak, God willing in the spirit permudahkan to get out of the body. If the read side of the sick, relieved pain. If in writing, then put on to people who want to deliver immediate delivery InsyaAllah easily. Can also be read side of people who want to birth as a slide.

According to Abbas, he said As'Syeikh Abi'l

* If you want to practice surah Al-Waqia this, first fasted for 7 days, starting on Friday ended on Saturday. Fast "do not eat anything dead / not eat fish, meat, all haiwan, eating only vegetables sahaja.

* In the 7th day, after solat Fardhu, read sura al-Waqia 25 times. If the reading is in the beginning after solat Subuh Fardhu Friday on the first day, the Al-diakhirilah Waqia reading it on after Fardhu Isha 'at the next Friday.

* On this last Friday night should read surah Al-Waqia 125 times as much as 1000 times and invocation.

God willing, with the following practice, he will become rich.

Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

Benefits of Yassin & 7 thing that can not we Change

Benefits of Yassin

RASULULLAH SAW has said that meant:

"Read the surah Yassin because it contains
blessings ", ie:

1.Apabila people hungry to read surah Yassin, he may

be satisfied.

2.Jika people may have no clothes clothes.

3.Jika one spouse will not get a mate.

4.Jika be lost in the fear of fear.

5.Jika prisoners would be released.

6.Jika travelers read, will get pleasure

what he saw.

7.Jika be lost until the place is


8.Jika read to those who have died

world, God siksanya ease.

9. If people are thirsty to read it, lost a sense of


10.Jika read to the sick, protected from the disease.
11.Rasulullah of Allah said: "Verily every

something has a heart and the heart of Al-Quran that is Yassin. Whoever

read surah Yassin, Allah will write the reward as a reward

read al-Quran 10 times.

12.Sabda Prophet again, "When the time comes people who love

read surah Yassin on every day, come down some angels lined up with the Angel of Death.
They prayed and asked God his sins forgiven, watched as the body is washed and participate
menyolatkan body
Death 13.Malaikat not forced to take a life

people who like to read Yassin that comes from heaven Angel Ridwan

with drinks for him. When he drank what a delicious feeling

and put into the grave with a sense of happiness and not feel sick

when his life was taken.

14.Rasulullah Allah said next: "Who prays circumcision two

cycles on Friday night, read the surah Yassin and rakaatpertama

Tabaroka second cycles, God created each letter on the day in front of light later and he will

receive amalannyaditangan twist right and given the opportunity to defend 70 men than experts

house, but any who doubt this statement, he is the people who hypocrite.

"Intestate-wasiatan is with the truth and

virtue, although it was just the tip of your finger. "

7 Things We Can not Change In Life

In this life we always wanted to be the best
that we forget what limits can we penetrate or
in other words something like what the hell can we
change and what we can not change ....

1. Gender
There is a surgery to change sex. But it can not
change the spirit (the spirit) the person concerned.
Accept yourself, whether you are a woman or a man.
Act like woman / man!!

2. Parents
No one can choose born to parents where.
So, you must respect your parents!! Are your parents a
(maaf. ..) drunks, gamblers, prostitutes though, you must respect them!!
If not, it will happen in later life.
Your kids will not respect you, is it terrible?

3. Birthday
Been established by God, before the world was made.
Amazing ha? But it's true.
Do not regret, why do you have to be born
to the world but squandered by people who you love.
God has a purpose for you.

4. Physical form
If you have curly, frizzy aja yah. If
snub nose, accept it. I've seen people
the changing shape of her face, whether it's sharp nose,
shaved eyebrows, etc., so look strange and unnatural.

5. Past
This also has been set by God. Do not see the
back, because it just makes you "frozen" --
can not do anything! Look to the future and see how good it is.

6. Position in the family
Are you the youngest, oldest, or middle, you
can not change it. Just enjoy.

7. Ethnic / racial
Sorry to be the one constant Indonesia
overcome adversity? Or regret so that if the Batak people
marriage ceremonies which need walahhhh expensive and time?
Or so the Chinese people who oppressed and intimidated? hmmm .....

Well, now change your way of thinking. God has set
you in this nation for one purpose. So, do the best in your
job, are loyal, not corruption, it has helped to improve
our nation.

That's the 7 things we can not change. Even if there are we
can change, for example: physical form, it will lead us to
in a situation that was never satisfied. Always wanted
change the appearance continued. Tired right? Accept yourself what
existence, like God take you.

Indeed the world sees a way, but God sees the heart.
What do you do every day is more important than
appearance. Not that you can look around, no!!
But you have to accept what God has given you.
Your skin is black (sweet), a less sharp nose, hair
a straight, high urang, etc, etc deh.

* "The reward of humility and fear of the Lord
is wealth, honor and life "

Islam in North America

Muslims Numbers

In 2000, there were 6 million adherents of Islam in the United States. One million bermastautin in California. Muslims in America is more crowded than the Jewish religion.

In 1993, there were 800 mosques in the U.S. and the numbers then increased to 2.000. Paul Findley in his book Silent No More: Confronting America's False Images of Islam states that the first Muslims arrived in the U.S. once was a black servant of servants who sold a slave servant began in 1530 in West Africa. They are sold to traders and white and brought to Brazil, Caribbean islands and America.

Boxer Muhammad Ali embraced Islam in large 1964.Nama led troops boxing popular in some Muslim countries, including Ali abort Malaysia.Muhammad original name Cassius Clay kerana "It's a servant of servants".

Bustling African-American citizens are Christian converts to Islam again. They come from the descendants of slaves from West Africa servants. Their names were given different names by white employers who have them.

Oklahoma City bombing on 20 April 1995 led to terjejas.Hakikat true image of Islam he made by Timothy Mc-Veigh a white man. 911 events participated menjejaskan image of Muslims that now.

Professor John L. Esposito, director Kristian Persefahaman Center - Islam at Georgetown University, Washington triumphed give exposure of Islam to the Christian community. His book of Islam, The Straight Path and The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? Kristian menyedarkan the Islamic community and enjoyed more prestige kerana and fair.

Malcolm X, a black fighter who converted to Islam and perform obligatory Hajj provides an illustration of a good Muslim. He was attracted to the teachings of the Quran. All these brothers. All worship the one God. For him America needs to understand Islam kerana he is the only religion of the tribe mengenepikan problem. I have never seen before by human brotherhood practices of various skin colors.

American Islamic Transportation Majlis (Council on American Islamic Relations - CAIR) may clarify some of the Islamic community relations - Kristian in the United States. In fact, Jay Leno, buffoonery of the American Televisyen apologize to CAIR.
[edit] Politics

In 2000 over 700 people competed for the particularity of Islamic-parti Republicans and Democrats to councils and state laws Congress. Seramai Islamic candidates won 152 later.

Paul Findley stoke Muslim people should openly identiti introduce them as Muslims and seek to convey the truth of Islam to non Muslims. Secondly, the Muslims defend their religion must be explicit about what assumptions is incorrect or confusing. Every person berkewajipan defend Islam from what their religion is also wrong though schools of the Resurrection in which he also applies or puncanya, including in other countries like the Philippines, Indonesia and Afghanistan

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

Excess surah in the Qur'an

Practice reading Al-Fatihah during the going to bed,
followed by reading surah Al-Ikhlas three times, surah
Al-Falaq and surah An-Nas. InsyaAllah be safe
serene and distant than the devil disorders.
It is also advisable to read this chapter as much as 44 times
to mengubati eye, stomach, teeth and
others with the permission of Allah Almighty. Read 40 times
This surah after solat Maghrib sunatnya to dab
pleaded something good to the God Almighty, InsyaAllah
his business will termakbul.

Al-Nas and Al-FALAQ
If exposed to witchcraft or the actions of, read 41
times each day for 3, 5, or 7 days in
respectively. InsyaAllah will recover.

Sesiapa read Surah Al-Ikhlas in pain during
which led to his death so he would not
exposed to grave slander and safe from the grave and crush
he will be taken by the angels to tread his
that melepasi mesh into heaven. [History

Sesiapa who read surah Al-Kafirun eat
unrivaled like reading a quarter of Al-Quran,
well apart from shirk, farthest from the temptation
Satan and apart from the shocking events.
[History At-Tirmizi]

Sesiapa the mengamal read 1000 times this chapter,
then Allah will make his business, including
provision and promotion. And that sesiapa
read 1000 times after solat Isyak until he
asleep, God willing be able to see the Messenger of Allah
in his sleep.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Prophet Adam as

Adam A.S. a prophet and also the first man who styled caliph of God darjatnya glorified and exalted be the first prophet. Baginda diutuskan to their grandchildren to worship God, God Almighty. So some of them are obedient and some are reluctant.

Adam A.S. initially placed in the heaven but had descended to earth with his wife, Eve kerana fly in the face of God.

Summary biography

After God s.w.t. created the earth, sky, his angels; God Mahu also creates another kind of creature that would inhabit, and fill the earth and keep it.

The angels when dikhabarkan by God of His will to create the creature, they are worried if the will of God to create another creature that would cause them kecuaian or omissions in the services and perform duties or violations kerana they do without disedari. They said to God s.w.t.:

"Our Lord! For what God has created beings other than us, and we always celebrate, bertahmid, worship and glorify thy name without ceasing, while the creature that the Lord will be created and sent down to earth, one nescaya will fight with others, will kill each other kerana scrambling to control the natural wealth and look at it buried in it, so will there kerosakan and destruction on the earth that God created it. "

God says, eliminates the angels kekhuatiran:

"I know what you do not know and I alone know the wisdom of the Children of Adam's mastery over the earth in me. When I have created and breathes the spirit of him, then you prostrate before the new creature as a tribute and not as a prostration of worship, kerana Allah swt forbade his servants to worship his fellow creatures. " [Al-Baqarah 2:30]

Then, were created by God Adam swtdari lump of dry clay and black mud form. Once perfected form of God's creation ditiupkanlah spirit into it and stand it upright into the perfect human being:

The main plan: Creation of Adam

[edit] Arrogance Satan

When all creatures prostrate themselves to the majesty of heaven that God, the Devil rebellious and reluctant to obey the commands of Allah kerana felt himself more noble, more excellent and more glorious than Adam. This is so is because Satan was created from elements of fire while Adam is from earth and mud. Pride in its origins make arrogant and unfit to bow to respect Adam as the other angels, despite being ruled by God.

Caused by arrogance, and unwillingness to kebongkakan ordered prostration, then God punishes Satan by her out of heaven and angels out than the row with the curse and the curse that will stick to him until the Day of Resurrection. In addition, he has guaranteed the inhabitants of hell.

Devil with arrogant to accept that God's punishment and he just prayed for him given the opportunity for eternal life so that day of natural extinction. God allowed that petition. Without grateful and thankful for that guarantee, he instead threatened to Adam's misleading, as the initial cause he's expulsion from heaven, and will come to the children of the offspring from every angle to convince them to leave the straight and follow the misguided path.

Then, God said to Satan the accursed while curse. God said the devil Wordpress will not prevail misleading His servants who believe with all my heart.
[edit] Adam's knowledge of the names of things

God wanted to eliminate oblique view of the angels to Adam and convince them of the truth of His wisdom which states Adam as ruler of the earth, then taught Adam the names of objects in the universe, then indicated the items before the angels and mencabar angel's name to defeat Adam. The Angels are powerless to answer God cabaran name the object in front of them and claimed they ketidaktahuaan saying that they have no knowledge of anything except what God teaches them.

Adam and commanded by God to tell the names of angels and after being told by Adam, God said to them, Wordpress He who knows rahsia sahaja heaven and earth and knows what Zahir and hidden.
[edit] Adam inhabit Syurga

Adam was given a place by God in heaven and Eve were created for him to be friends with him and his life, eliminating loneliness and complementary nature needs to develop his descendants. According to the scholars, God created Eve from one of Adam's rib is on the left at the time the king was still sleeping so that when the king woke up, saw the king's Eve at his side. Then the king disoal by the angel: "O Adam! What and who is a creature that was in your side?"

Said Adam: "A woman." Keeping with the nature of which has been inspired by God to him. "What's his name?" Asked the angel again. "Eve", Adam replied. "Why would God create these creatures?", Asked the angel again. Adam replied: "To stand by me, give happiness to me and fill my life purposes in accordance with the will of God."

God said to Adam: "Abide thou with thy wife in heaven, taste the pleasures that abound in it, Taste and eat fruits lazat contained in it your heart and your passion. You should not experience or feel hungry, thirsty or tired during the you are in it. But thou shalt not eat of this tree that will cause you harm and including those who do wrong. Know Wordpress Satan is your enemy and the enemy of your wife, she will try to flatter you and take you out of heaven, so gone happiness that you're enjoying this. "
[edit] Satan's first act

In accordance with the threats uttered when expelled by God from Syurga due to reluctance and also driven by jealousy and envy envy of Adam is the cause of sehinggakan he condemned and cursed for ever and out of singgahsana greatness. Satan first shows the design to mislead Adam and Eve who are living together in a peaceful heaven, peaceful and happy.

He declared to them he Wordpress is their friend and wanted to give advice and guidance for good and perpetuate their happiness. Various ways and gentle words used by Satan to gain the trust of Adam and Eve Wordpress she really honest in giving advice and guidance to them. He whispered to them Wordpress ban them by God to eat the fruit was shown kerana by eating the fruit they'd transformed into an angel and will live forever. Lpujukkan repeat over and showed it to be the sweet smell of the forbidden tree and beautiful nian lazat shape and taste the fruit. Finally termakanlah pujuk subtle persuasion is by Adam and Eve and God melanggari restrictions.

Allah denounced their actions and said that the intention:

"Did not I keep you closer than the tree and eat the fruit and would not remind you I have Wordpress devil is the real enemy."

Adam and Eve heard the word of God is Awake they have their Wordpress melanggari Wordpress commandments of God and they have made a mistake and a big sin. So they're sorry and they said:

"Our Lord! We have our own menganiayai and have your orders melanggari kerana pujukan shipped with the devil. Forgive us our nescaya kerana will belong the people who hurt when you do not forgive and love us."
[edit] Adam and Eve down to Earth

God has received repentance of Adam and Eve and mengampunkan deeds they have done. This has been such a relief to their chest and remove grief from their negligence against God's warning about Satan that fall prey to pujukan and rayunya sweet but poisonous.

Adam and Eve was comforted after receiving God's forgiveness and be care not to be fooled again by the devil and will try to not repeat the violations which have been carried out and led to a reprimand seta wrath of God is to be teaching for them to be more careful against guile and the accursed Satan pujukan it. Hopes to stay on in heaven that has faded kerana their actions violate the commandment of God, alive in the hearts and minds of Adam and Eve who feel pleasure and happiness of their lives in heaven will not be distracted by something and Wordpress Redha of Allah and its blessings will remain abundant in the them forever. But God has determined in his destiny is not what occurred in the liver and not by their terfikirkan. Swtyang God has determined the fate of his Wordpress earth filled with riches for diterokaiya, will be controlled to humans descended from Adam commanded Adam and Eve came to earth as the first seed of his servants, who called the man. Then God said to them: "Get ye down to earth than some of you have become enemies to each other you can stay stay and live there until the time specified."

Descend of Adam and Eve to earth to face a new way of life far different from life in heaven has ever experienced and that will not be repeated kembali.Mereka must lead the life in this mortal world with love and grief and mankind will lose its diverse nature and cadar cadas their nature, Beza and skin color and intelligence otaknya.Umat humans will live in groups and to the tribes and nations which Selah one will be another enemy kill each other, persecuted and oppressed-menganianya-oppressive that God mengutuskan prophets and His messengers to His servants to lead him into the straight and full of peace, love between human beings toward the path for him and diredhai human happiness in the world and the hereafter.
[edit] The story of Adam in the Qur'an

Al-Quran tells the story of Adam in a few chapters of surah Al-Baqarah verse 30, so clause 38 and surah Al-A'raaf paragraph 11 so 25
[edit] Teaching is the story of Adam

Bahawasanya wisdom contained in the commands and prohibitions of Allah and in what sometimes creates not yet be achieved by the human brain and even the creatures of his closest as experienced by the angels when he was told that God would create human beings - the descendants of Adam to be his Caliph on earth sehinggakan they seemed to mind and to wonder why and for what God created other beings than those who are obedient, diligent worship, celebrate, and bertahmid-agungkankan exalted his name.

Bahawasanya human dikurniakan kecergasan despite thinking and mental strength and their fizikal still has some weakness on her like negligent nature, forget and make mistakes. Like what has happened to Adam even though the king has become a perfect human being and dikurniakan special position in heaven he would not escape from human nature is weak. His Majesty has forgotten the commandments of God and deny him of the forbidden tree and the devil who becomes his enemy and the enemy of his descendants, so trapped into deceptive and there was the first violation committed by humans against God's prohibition.

Bahawasanya someone who has already done disobedience and sin not fitting their despair of the mercy and forgiveness of God as long as they are aware will slip and will repent and not repeat it. Grace of God and His Maghfirah can cover all the sins committed by his servant unless major sin of shirk even if accompanied by repentance and confession Consciousness errors.

Nature bongkak arrogant and always leads to loss and destruction. Look at that devil singgahsananya dilucutkan down from his position as an angel and was expelled by God from heaven, accompanied by curses and curse that will stick to itself so that the Calamity kerana kebanggaaannya with pride and origin, so he thought and looked down on Adam and refuse to bow down respect although commanded by Allah SWT.