Benefits of Yassin
RASULULLAH SAW has said that meant:
"Read the surah Yassin because it contains
blessings ", ie:
1.Apabila people hungry to read surah Yassin, he may
be satisfied.
2.Jika people may have no clothes clothes.
3.Jika one spouse will not get a mate.
4.Jika be lost in the fear of fear.
5.Jika prisoners would be released.
6.Jika travelers read, will get pleasure
what he saw.
7.Jika be lost until the place is
8.Jika read to those who have died
world, God siksanya ease.
9. If people are thirsty to read it, lost a sense of
10.Jika read to the sick, protected from the disease.
11.Rasulullah of Allah said: "Verily every
something has a heart and the heart of Al-Quran that is Yassin. Whoever
read surah Yassin, Allah will write the reward as a reward
read al-Quran 10 times.
12.Sabda Prophet again, "When the time comes people who love
read surah Yassin on every day, come down some angels lined up with the Angel of Death.
They prayed and asked God his sins forgiven, watched as the body is washed and participate
menyolatkan body
Death 13.Malaikat not forced to take a life
people who like to read Yassin that comes from heaven Angel Ridwan
with drinks for him. When he drank what a delicious feeling
and put into the grave with a sense of happiness and not feel sick
when his life was taken.
14.Rasulullah Allah said next: "Who prays circumcision two
cycles on Friday night, read the surah Yassin and rakaatpertama
Tabaroka second cycles, God created each letter on the day in front of light later and he will
receive amalannyaditangan twist right and given the opportunity to defend 70 men than experts
house, but any who doubt this statement, he is the people who hypocrite.
"Intestate-wasiatan is with the truth and
virtue, although it was just the tip of your finger. "
7 Things We Can not Change In Life
In this life we always wanted to be the best
that we forget what limits can we penetrate or
in other words something like what the hell can we
change and what we can not change ....
1. Gender
There is a surgery to change sex. But it can not
change the spirit (the spirit) the person concerned.
Accept yourself, whether you are a woman or a man.
Act like woman / man!!
2. Parents
No one can choose born to parents where.
So, you must respect your parents!! Are your parents a
(maaf. ..) drunks, gamblers, prostitutes though, you must respect them!!
If not, it will happen in later life.
Your kids will not respect you, is it terrible?
3. Birthday
Been established by God, before the world was made.
Amazing ha? But it's true.
Do not regret, why do you have to be born
to the world but squandered by people who you love.
God has a purpose for you.
4. Physical form
If you have curly, frizzy aja yah. If
snub nose, accept it. I've seen people
the changing shape of her face, whether it's sharp nose,
shaved eyebrows, etc., so look strange and unnatural.
5. Past
This also has been set by God. Do not see the
back, because it just makes you "frozen" --
can not do anything! Look to the future and see how good it is.
6. Position in the family
Are you the youngest, oldest, or middle, you
can not change it. Just enjoy.
7. Ethnic / racial
Sorry to be the one constant Indonesia
overcome adversity? Or regret so that if the Batak people
marriage ceremonies which need walahhhh expensive and time?
Or so the Chinese people who oppressed and intimidated? hmmm .....
Well, now change your way of thinking. God has set
you in this nation for one purpose. So, do the best in your
job, are loyal, not corruption, it has helped to improve
our nation.
That's the 7 things we can not change. Even if there are we
can change, for example: physical form, it will lead us to
in a situation that was never satisfied. Always wanted
change the appearance continued. Tired right? Accept yourself what
existence, like God take you.
Indeed the world sees a way, but God sees the heart.
What do you do every day is more important than
appearance. Not that you can look around, no!!
But you have to accept what God has given you.
Your skin is black (sweet), a less sharp nose, hair
a straight, high urang, etc, etc deh.
* "The reward of humility and fear of the Lord
is wealth, honor and life "
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