Practice reading Al-Fatihah during the going to bed,
followed by reading surah Al-Ikhlas three times, surah
Al-Falaq and surah An-Nas. InsyaAllah be safe
serene and distant than the devil disorders.
It is also advisable to read this chapter as much as 44 times
to mengubati eye, stomach, teeth and
others with the permission of Allah Almighty. Read 40 times
This surah after solat Maghrib sunatnya to dab
pleaded something good to the God Almighty, InsyaAllah
his business will termakbul.
Al-Nas and Al-FALAQ
If exposed to witchcraft or the actions of, read 41
times each day for 3, 5, or 7 days in
respectively. InsyaAllah will recover.
Sesiapa read Surah Al-Ikhlas in pain during
which led to his death so he would not
exposed to grave slander and safe from the grave and crush
he will be taken by the angels to tread his
that melepasi mesh into heaven. [History
Sesiapa who read surah Al-Kafirun eat
unrivaled like reading a quarter of Al-Quran,
well apart from shirk, farthest from the temptation
Satan and apart from the shocking events.
[History At-Tirmizi]
Sesiapa the mengamal read 1000 times this chapter,
then Allah will make his business, including
provision and promotion. And that sesiapa
read 1000 times after solat Isyak until he
asleep, God willing be able to see the Messenger of Allah
in his sleep.
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