Category: Religion Kristian, Minda Meeting
In this world there are two types of 'Isa, namely:
(a) 'Isa's version of Islam
(b) 'Isa Kristian version
'Isa is the Islamic version of a human being 100%. Baginda is only a prophet. His Majesty was not killed and crucified. Al-Quran has explained this with the real:
"And kerana their saying: 'Surely we have killed the Messiah,' Isa son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah ', when they killed him not nor crucified him ..." (Surah An-Nissa: 157)
'Isa is the Christian version of the human / god Jesus who had died were killed by the Jews. Preach the Gospel is this:
"But when they came to Jesus and saw that he had died ...." (John 19:33)
"He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Pilate ordered it to give it to him. And Joseph took the body .... "(Matthew 27:58-59)
Because there are two versions of the Prophet 'Isa in this world, then it is necessary to know the Muslims who will be present at the end of this period, as there was' Isa version of Islam or' Isa Christian version?
Problem: According to Islam who is the Prophet 'Isa who will be present at the end of time later?
Jawapan: First of all, we need schools of Wordpress Al-Quran has taught us that
1. God is the Lord of the Worlds (Surah Al-Fatihah, verse 1)
2. God is singular, instead of the triple / triniti (Surah Al-Ikhlas, paragraph 1)
3. God did not give birth or begotten (Surah Al-Ikhlas, paragraph 3)
4. No one was like him (Surah Al-Ikhlas, paragraph 4)
Second, we need to understand the recognition of the Prophet 'Isa in the Qur'an is not the king Wordpress Lord God:
"And (remember) when Allah said: O 'Isa son of Mary, is there a camp said to people:' Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah?". 'Jesus replied:' Glory to Thee (O God), it is not worthy of me saying something that no right (to say). If I say so, then surely you know it. You know what is in me and I do not know what is in themselves (substance) Thou. Thou art the Knower of the unseen in any case. ' "(Surah Al-Maidah: 116)
"I [ 'Isa al-Masih] never say to them except what You commanded me, namely: Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord, and I became a witness against them, as long as I live with them, When thou mewafatkanku, You watch them . And thou be witness over all things. "(Surah Al-Maidah: 117)
So who was the Prophet 'Isa who will appear at the end of time according to the Quran and Al-Hadith? Of course the Prophet 'Isa's version of Islam, the Messenger of Allah, man 100% and not a god, his presence is to cleanse himself than dipertuhankan by infidels. This is what is meant in the Koran that reads:
"Remember when God said: 'Yes' Isa, in fact I raised thee and exalt (degrees) you are to Me and purify you of those who disbelieve and make those who follow you above those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection .... ' "(a party of translation Surah Ali-Imran: 55)
Issue: Is this verse indicates the current Kristan over those who disbelieve because they are followers of the Prophet 'Isa Christian version?
Jawapan: Sila consider changing the name of the Prophet 'Isa is written in small letters he meaningful human. And you should know Kristian Wordpress did not write the verse translation to finish reading them kerana afraid pendustaan uncovered. End of the paragraph was eventually confirmed Wordpress Prophet 'Isa and all men will return to God, and God was going to be a judge on the Day of Resurrection. Hujung verse reads:
" '... And then the return is just in me, and I am the law of you about what you disagree.'". (Surah Ali Imran: 55)
Soalan: Sila explain further on the issue of the Prophet 'Isa's version of Islam that is revealed in Surah Ali Imran?
Jawapan: Allah and the Prophet Muhammad taught mankind about the events of the Prophet 'Isa in Surah Ali Imran, which reads:
"Thus we read to you (O Muhammad) a few Scripture verses and the judges (with wisdom)" (Surah Ali Imran: 58)
Lo instance (occurrence) Isa side of God, such as (incidence) of Adam, God created him from dust, then God said to him: 'Be you', so be it ". (Surah Ali Imran: 59)
Soalan: So that means the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad and syarahan Islamic scholars are referring to the Prophet 'Isa's version of Islam?
Jawapan: Yes, he was certainly referring to the Prophet 'Isa Islamic version
Problem: How to argument-argument that is based on the Christian Gospel?
Jawapan: We do not need to worry and trouble our minds with the thought of argument-argument from gospels gospels kerana has proved corrupt, perverted, lost originality and mixture of verse and verse haq falsehood. The proof of the Christian's heart is not satisfied with merely distort the gospel and also to misappropriate cuba holy book the Koran. Kes example in verse 55, Surah Ali Imran said.
Conclusion: Al-Quran, Al-Hadith, and scholarly consensus' Islamic scholars never agree Wordpress Prophet Jesus as told in al-Quran is Jesus Christ, the Christian god. Treatment of Kristian fake Qur'an that mentioned above for the purpose of justifying their religion does not change like putting a sign on the halal food is not halal for Muslims. For example the event the use of enzymes khinzir fat in the product output Ajinomoto Indonesia. Outside the skin they use Islamic symbols specifically permitted but essentially it has been contaminated product!
The Word of God:
"Host of the people of the Book aspire to deceive you, Nor they mislead (others), only themselves, but they do not menyedarinya." (Surah Ali-Imran: 69)
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